Genius Journal <p><strong>GENIUS Journal</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts on innovative research across all aspects of nursing and healthcare services. Its mission is to disseminate conceptual insights, ideas, and research findings in the fields of nursing practice and medical nursing science.</p> <p>The journal provides a platform for nurse researchers, educators, and clinicians worldwide to share valuable research findings and experiences in delivering nursing care and advancing the profession.</p> Inspirasi Foundation en-US Genius Journal 2723-7729 Analysis of the Success of Early Breastfeeding Initiation on Stunting in Infants Aged Less Than 12 Months <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The incidence of stunting in Tasikmalaya Regency has decreased from 41.7% to 24.4%, but in 2022 there will be an increase of 2.7 points to 27.2%. The Tasikmalaya Regency Government has designated 67 villages as special locations for stunting intervention convergence in 2023. Cikunir Village, Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the villages with a stunting prevalence that exceeds the set limit of 20%.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: The aim of this research is to determine the success of implementing of early breastfeeding initiation in Cikunir Village, Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency on 2024.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This research method is qualitative with the aim of knowing the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation, mother's knowledge about early breastfeeding initiation, family motivation and the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation in stunted babies less than 12 months.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: Based on the results of interviews during the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation, it is known that not a single baby succeeded in finding and sucking its mother's nipple, most did not exclusively breastfeed their babies, most did not know about early breastfeeding initiation, some most do not get motivation from their husbands and families in implementing early breastfeeding initiation and most do not prepare themselves for breastfeeding such as not taking care of their breasts during pregnancy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This research is expected to increase mothers' knowledge and motivation in carrying out early breastfeeding initiation.</p> Fenty Agustini Hapi Apriasih Ayuning Tias Budi Lestari Novita Tri Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 Fenty Agustini, Hapi Apriasih, Ayuning Tias Budi Lestari, Novita Tri Rahayu 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 326 333 10.56359/gj.v5i2.417 Implementation of Rheumatic Excercise in Reducing Joint Pain among Elderly with Rheumatoid Arthritis at Public Health Center <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Rheumatoid arthritis is a musculoskeletal disorder characterized by pain in the extremities and joints. Rheumatic exercises are one of the effective methods to alleviate pain in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to evaluate the implementation of rheumatic exercises in reducing joint pain among elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis at the Maccini Sawah Makassar Community Health Center.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A descriptive case study approach was conducted involving elderly participants meeting the inclusion criteria: willingness to participate, mild-to-moderate pain levels, and ability to engage in rheumatic exercises. Exclusion criteria included severe pain, stroke complications, or reliance on walking aids. The exercise regimen comprised warm-up, rheumatic exercises, and cool-down movements, lasting 25 minutes per session.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Findings revealed that three consecutive days of rheumatic exercises reduced joint pain in two respondents.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Rheumatic exercises effectively reduce joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.</p> Magdalena Limbong Olivia Olivia Nurhayati Nurhayati Erna Kasim Copyright (c) 2024 Magdalena Limbong, Olivia, Nurhayati, Erna Kasim 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 334 339 10.56359/gj.v5i2.394 Implementation of Sleep Hygiene to Improve Sleep Quality among Adolescents at the Maccini Public Health Center <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Sleep is a natural necessity for all living creatures, including humans, to restore both body and mind. It is a physiological state marked by reduced consciousness, muscle activity, and responsiveness to the external environment.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: To evaluate the sleep quality improvement among adolescents experiencing sleep disorders.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This study used a descriptive case study approach with adolescents who reported sleep disorders. Inclusion criteria included adolescents who were willing to participate, while exclusion criteria excluded those with insomnia.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The implementation of sleep hygiene over four consecutive days for two respondents resulted in an improvement in sleep quality.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Sleep hygiene is effective in improving sleep quality in adolescents.</p> Nurhayati Nurhayati Nadia Rahma Ramdani Erna Kasim Nurbaeti Nurbaeti Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhayati, Nadia Rahma Ramdani, Erna Kasim, Nurbaeti 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 340 347 10.56359/gj.v5i2.397 Implementation of Early Mobilization to Reduce Pain Intensity Post-Cesarean Section at Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Cesarean section (Sectio Caesarea) is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the fetus through an incision in the abdominal and uterine walls.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: To implement early mobilization as a strategy to reduce pain intensity following a cesarean section at Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital, Makassar.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: A descriptive case study was conducted involving two respondents.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: On the third day post-surgery, both respondents initially experienced moderate pain intensity. After the implementation of early mobilization, pain intensity decreased to mild levels.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The case study concluded that early mobilization effectively reduces pain intensity in post-cesarean section patients.</p> Erna Kasim Fitri Fitri Magdalena Limbong Ekayanti Hafidah Ahmad Andi Tenriola Fitri Kessi Copyright (c) 2024 Erna Kasim, Fitri, Magdalena Limbong, Ekayanti Hafidah Ahmad, Andi Tenriola Fitri Kessi 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 348 354 10.56359/gj.v5i2.398 The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Therapy on Anxiety Levels in School-Age Children Undergoing Hospitalization <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Anxiety disorders are one of the psychological problems that arise when children undergo hospitalization. Anxiety that is not treated will make the length of hospitalization days and worsen conditions. One of the interventions that can be done to treat anxiety in school-age children undergoing hospitalization is expressive writing therapy.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of expressive writing therapy on the anxiety of school-age children undergoing hospitalization.</p> <p><strong>Methods</strong>: This research design uses quantitative methods with a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The study sample consisted of 25 respondents selected using purposive sampling technique based on the inclusion criteria, namely school-age children aged 10-12 years who can write, children who are undergoing hospitalization with stable conditions (children who are willing to communicate well and are able to sit on the patient's bed, parents who are willing for their children to become respondents, and children who experience anxiety based on screening results. Anxiety was measured using an instrument (CSAS-C).</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Data analysis with the Paired Sample t-test test showed a p value = 0.000 (p &lt;0.05) which means there is a difference in the average score of anxiety before and after the expressive writing therapy intervention.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that there is an effect of expressive writing therapy intervention on the average difference in anxiety of school-age children undergoing hospitalization before and after the intervention. </p> Selvin Tody Susi Roida Simanjuntak Abram Babakal Copyright (c) 2024 Selvin Tody, Susi Roida Simanjuntak, Abram Babakal 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 122 129 10.56359/gj.v5i2.365 Effects of Medical Material-Based Play Therapy on Pain Levels in Hospitalized Preschool Children Aged 3-6 Years <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Pain is a stressor of hospitalization that, if not managed properly, can have physical and psychological impacts on children. One intervention that can be provided to reduce pain in preschool-aged children is play therapy.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to determine the effect of play therapy using medical materials on the pain levels of hospitalized preschool-aged children.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> This study uses a pre-experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest design approach. The number of respondents in this study was 25 preschool-aged children who were treated in the Dahlia Pediatric Ward at TK. II R. W. Mongisidi hospital Manado, selected using purposive sampling based on inclusion criteria. Pain measurement was carried out using the Wong Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale. Data analysis was performed using the Nonparametric Wilcoxon test.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The Wilcoxon statistical test results showed a p-value of 0.000 (p&lt;0.05), indicating a significant difference in pain levels before and after the play therapy intervention using medical equipment.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that there is an effect of play therapy using medical materials on the pain levels of hospitalized preschool-aged children. Future researchers interested in this study are encouraged to use a quasi-experimental method with a two-group pretest-posttest design.</p> Milkha Pangalila Lenny Gannika Susi Roida Simanjuntak Copyright (c) 2024 Milkha Pangalila, Lenny Gannika, Susi Roida Simanjuntak 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 130 138 10.56359/gj.v5i2.368 Effectiveness of Maternity Infrared Electric Massage Mattress (Kapein) on Labor Pain and Progress in Primigravida during the Active Phase of Labor <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Labor pain in mothers is partly caused by a reduced oxygen supply to the uterine muscles during contractions. Non-pharmacological interventions, such as electric massage with infrared therapy on the spine, can help increase oxytocin levels, which may accelerate labor progress.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the infrared electric massage mattress (Kapein) in reducing labor pain and enhancing labor progress in primigravida mothers during the active phase of labor.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: A true experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group was used. The study involved all primigravida mothers in the active phase of labor at the Musytasyfah Karawang Clinic. A total sampling technique was employed, with 30 participants divided into an intervention group (15) and a control group (15). The data were analyzed using the McNemar test. The research was conducted from April to July 2024.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The study found that the infrared electric massage mattress (Kapein) was effective in reducing labor pain in primigravida mothers during the active phase (p=0.000). It also demonstrated effectiveness in improving labor progress (p=0.027).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The infrared electric massage mattress (Kapein) is effective in reducing labor pain and improving labor progress in primigravida mothers during the active phase of labor. It is suggested that this intervention be considered as an alternative tool in obstetric services and recommended for use by the Health Office in childbirth care.</p> Irka Pramukani Roni Rowawi Herri S Sastramihardja Yanti Herawati Teni Nurlatifah HR Hidayat Wijayanegara Copyright (c) 2024 Irka Pramukani, Roni Rowawi, Herri S Sastramihardja, Yanti Herawati, Teni Nurlatifah HR, Hidayat Wijayanegara 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 139 146 10.56359/gj.v5i2.385 Simple Coaching Clinic to Improve Nurse's Knowledge of Genetic Counseling among Thalassemia Patients <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The coaching clinic is one of the strategies designed to increase nurses' knowledge in conducting genetic counseling for patients and families of thalassemia patients. Nurses will not only be given information, but they will also be taught how to communicate and how to use genetic counseling to make sure the coaching clinic's goals are met.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to describes the effect of a simple coaching clinic on nurses' knowledge of genetic counseling implementation in thalassemia care.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research used a quantitative approach and was conducted on August 20th–21st , 2022. The design of this study was quasi-experimental without a control group. This study obtained a total sample of 29 nurses using a proportional sampling technique and inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this study were nurses with a diploma degree, an undergraduate education background, and registered nurses. The data collection instrument was a 30-questions genetic counseling questionnaire. IBM SPSS version 25.0 was used to analyze the data using the Wilcoxon test.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Simple coaching clinic proved to have a significant effect in improving the knowledge level of nurses in general with p-value = 0.004. Knowledge level improvement can be seen from Mean (+SD) 53.67 (+13.64) to 69.67 (+8.26). Likewise with nurses' knowledge about thalassemia, genetic counseling and bio-informatics, the majority of respondents experienced positive changes. In contrast to the genetic topic, the majority of respondents did not experience a change in their level of knowledge so that a p-value &gt;0.05 was obtained.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Changes in level of knowledge indicated that the coaching clinic's effects on level of knowledge are significant and have an impact on health services across a variety of health institutions, including clinics and hospitals. As a result, it is critical to have a health strategy that promotes the accessibility of genetic counseling services for patients with thalassemia and other genetic illnesses.</p> Andan Firmansyah Hendri Tamara Yuda Tri Antika Rizki Kusuma Putri Nur Hidayat Selvia David Richard Hidayat Arifin Henri Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Andan Firmansyah, Hendri Tamara Yuda, Tri Antika Rizki Kusuma Putri, Nur Hidayat, Selvia David Richard, Hidayat Arifin, Henri Setiawan 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 147 160 10.56359/gj.v5i2.281 Development of Educational Leaflet for Genetic Counseling and Premarital Screening of Thalassemia for Prospective Couples <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Thalassemia is a common hereditary blood disorder with a significant impact on public health, particularly in high-prevalence areas. Genetic counseling and premarital screening are critical for educating couples at risk, helping to reduce the incidence of thalassemia. However, there is often a lack of accessible and comprehensible information on this topic for prospective couples, especially at the community health level.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aimed to develop an educational leaflet tailored for prospective couples, focusing on genetic counseling and premarital screening for thalassemia. The leaflet is designed to enhance awareness, provide clear information, and encourage informed decision-making among couples.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: A descriptive research design was employed to create and validate the educational leaflet. The development process included a needs assessment through surveys and focus group discussions with nurse educators and couples in the target population. Content was adapted based on expert feedback from genetic counselors and nurses educators to ensure accuracy, readability, and cultural relevance.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The finalized leaflet contains essential information on thalassemia, genetic counseling, and the importance of premarital screening. It is structured in a user-friendly format, including illustrations and a simplified language level to facilitate understanding.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The educational leaflet effectively provides prospective couples with critical information on thalassemia, genetic counseling, and premarital screening. This tool can serve as a valuable resource in public health centers to promote awareness and preventive measures for hereditary diseases. Further research is recommended to evaluate its long-term impact on reducing thalassemia incidence.</p> Henri Setiawan Irpan Ali Rahman Nur Hidayat Heni Marliany Yuyun Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 Henri Setiawan, Irpan Ali Rahman, Nur Hidayat, Heni Marliany, Yuyun Rahayu 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 161 167 10.56359/gj.v5i2.316 High-Risk Factors Affecting Adolescent Reproductive Health <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Adolescent reproductive health services consist of activities aimed at maintaining the reproductive health of adolescents. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Bappenas, and UNFPA in 2010, 63 million adolescents in Indonesia are vulnerable to unhealthy behaviors. Data from adolescent <em>posyandu</em> visits reveal that the majority of adolescents suffer from anemia, malnutrition, or overnutrition, including obesity. However, the specific risk behaviors affecting the reproductive health of adolescents in Cikunir Village remain unknown.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to identify the risk factors affecting the reproductive health of adolescents in Cikunir Village.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research employed a descriptive method. The study population comprised all adolescents in Cikunir Village. A total of 201 adolescents were selected as samples using purposive sampling. Secondary data were sourced from the reproductive health survey conducted as part of the Village Development and Empowerment Grant Program (PHP2D) by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The study identified several risk factors for adolescent reproductive health: 11.4% of adolescents smoked, 1% had tried drugs, and 15.9% had watched pornographic videos. Additionally, 29.4% of adolescents reported having boyfriends or girlfriends, and 23.4% were influenced by a social environment associated with risky behaviors.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Adolescent reproductive health in Cikunir Village is affected by various risk factors, including smoking, drug use, exposure to pornography, and risky social environments. Parents are advised to provide attention and affection to their children, monitor their social and school environments, and actively engage in guiding them towards healthier behaviors.</p> Santi Susanti Lilis Lisnawati Copyright (c) 2024 Santi Susanti, Lilis Lisnawati 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 168 175 10.56359/gj.v5i2.362 Knowledge, Perception and Satisfaction with the Quality of Care among Medical and Surgical Outpatient Clinics Attendees in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Improving the quality of healthcare remains a critical need in developing countries. Donabedian’s quality of care model provides a framework to evaluate healthcare outcomes, with patient satisfaction being a key indicator. Understanding patients' perceptions, knowledge, and satisfaction is essential for enhancing healthcare delivery.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aimed to assess patients' perceptions, knowledge, and satisfaction with the quality of care provided at a tertiary hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>A total of 401 individuals were recruited, and data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Data were coded, cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Descriptive statistics were summarized in frequency tables and figures, while Chi-square tests were used to test hypotheses at a significance level of p&lt;0.05.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>Out of 350 valid responses, 86% of respondents demonstrated substantial knowledge about the quality of care. However, 57.1% expressed dissatisfaction with the treatment received, while 56.6% maintained a positive perception of the hospital’s services. A significant relationship was found between knowledge of healthcare quality and perception (χ2 = 11.1, df = 1, p&lt;0.05). On the other hand, the duration of hospital stay did not significantly affect overall satisfaction (χ2 = 0.69, df = 2, p = 0.708).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The findings highlight the need to enhance patient satisfaction in healthcare services. Periodic investigations into patient perspectives are essential for informed decision-making and continuous quality improvement in healthcare delivery.</p> Dunsin Tomisin Adeyemi Ifeoluwapo Oluwafunke Kolawole Chizoma Millicent Ndikom Copyright (c) 2024 Dunsin Tomisin Adeyemi, Ifeoluwapo Oluwafunke Kolawole, Chizoma Millicent Ndikom 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 176 192 10.56359/gj.v5i2.376 Factors Influencing Nurses Performance in Implementing the Professional Nursing Practice Model <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Nursing performance plays a pivotal role in determining the quality of healthcare services, especially in the application of professional nursing models. Several factors, both internal and external, influence nursing performance, including job satisfaction, work culture, workload, supervision, and experience. Understanding these relationships is essential for improving the quality of care in healthcare facilities, particularly hospitals.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: To analyze the relationship between various factors, including job satisfaction, work culture, workload, supervision, and experience, with nurses' performance in implementing the Professional Nursing Practice Model.</p> <p><strong>Methods</strong>: This study employed a quantitative descriptive approach with a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 30 inpatient nurses selected through total sampling. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using the chi-square test.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Most respondents were female, held a D3 education level, and had five years of work experience. The chi-square test revealed significant relationships between job satisfaction (p = 0.004), work culture (p = 0.002), workload (p = 0.004), supervision (p = 0.001), experience (p = 0.007), and the implementation of the Professional Nursing Practice Model.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction, work culture, workload, supervision, experience, and the application of the Professional Nursing Practice Model, as evidenced by p-values less than 0.05. Improving these factors can enhance nurse performance and overall quality of care in hospitals.</p> Arini Dwi Yulia Jebul Suroso Etlidawati Etlidawati Kris Linggardini Copyright (c) 2024 Arini Dwi Yulia, Jebul Suroso, Etlidawati, Kris Linggardini 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 193 201 10.56359/gj.v5i2.402 The Relationship Between Breastfeeding, Nutritional Status, and Exclusive Breastfeeding History with Stunting <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Stunting remains a nutritional problem facing Indonesia. The nutritional intake of breastfeeding mothers is closely linked to the production of breast milk, which is also a key factor in ensuring the adequate nourishment of infants and toddlers.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: The research aims to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers, the history of exclusive breastfeeding, and the incidence of stunting in infants under five in Cikunir Village.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: The type of research used is quantitative with analytical methods which aims to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers, the history of exclusive breastfeeding, and the incidence of stunting in babies under five. The population is mothers who have babies aged 6-24 months in Cikunir Village, the sampling technique used purposive samples, samples were 52, the data presentation method was in tabular form, the analysis used descriptive and analytical analysis, the instrument used a questionnaire consisting of questions regarding the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers, factors which affect nutritional status, history of exclusive breastfeeding, incidence of stunting.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The results of the statistical test on the relationship between the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers and the incidence of stunting obtained a p-value of 0.307, so that 0.307 &gt; alpha (0.05), while the results of the statistical test of the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting obtained a p-value of 0.020 so that it was 0.020 &lt; alpha. (0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: There is no relationship between the nutritional status of breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting, and there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting. The researcher postulates that if the nutritional status during pregnancy and breastfeeding is normal, yet the mother is ignorant, unable, or unwilling to obtain information about the nutrition that must be met during this period, this will result in stunting of the child. The prevention of stunting should commence with the provision of education and integrated services for pregnant women and mothers with children up to the age of two.</p> Tupriliany Danefi Fenty Agustini Anik Purwanti Irfa Nurfajiah Copyright (c) 2024 Tupriliany Danefi, Fenty Agustini, Anik Purwanti, Irfa Nurfajiah 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 202 209 10.56359/gj.v5i2.408 Meaning and Challenges: Mothers Experiences in Caring for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Caring for children with mild intellectual disabilities poses significant emotional and social challenges for mothers, often compounded by stigma and limited support. In Indonesia, spirituality and social support play a crucial role in strengthening resilience and framing caregiving as a moral responsibility.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to explore how mothers perceive the care of children with mild intellectual disabilities and the coping strategies they employ to address physical, emotional, and social challenges.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A qualitative phenomenological approach was used, involving semi-structured in-depth interviews with 10 mothers. Data saturation was reached with the eighth participant, confirming no emergence of new significant information. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was conducted, complemented by source and theoretical triangulation to enhance the validity of findings.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Four key themes emerged from the analysis: (1) caregiving as an act of worship and moral responsibility, where mothers view their role as a life calling; (2) challenges in caregiving, including physical strain, emotional stress, and stigma-related pressures; (3) coping strategies that rely on social and spiritual support, with family and religious communities serving as key resources; and (4) the inadequacy of formal services, which often forces mothers to depend on community and faith-based organizations.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study highlights the need for community-based programs that address the emotional and spiritual needs of families with children with special needs. Effective collaboration between healthcare providers, community organizations, and religious leaders is crucial for developing inclusive and responsive services tailored to the needs of these families.</p> Sri Wianti Wijayanti Wijayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Wianti, Wijayanti 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 210 219 10.56359/gj.v5i2.413 The Impact of Educational Interventions on Pregnant Womens Knowledge of the Childbirth Planning and Complication Prevention Program <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Indonesia is one of the developing countries with a high maternal mortality rate (MMR). To address this issue, the government has introduced the Childbirth Planning and Complication Prevention (P4K) program, which includes the use of P4K stickers in healthcare facilities to enhance pregnant women's awareness and enable early identification of potential pregnancy complications.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aimed to examine the effect of education on knowledge about the P4K program among pregnant women.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This study employed a pre-experimental design, involving a population of all pregnant women within the service area of the Limboro Health Center, Polman Regency. A total sample of 35 pregnant women was selected using simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The results showed a statistically significant effect of education on knowledge about the P4K program, with a p-value of 0.00. It is concluded that education positively influences awareness and understanding of the P4K program.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: These findings highlight the importance of strengthening educational interventions to improve the implementation of the P4K program, ultimately contributing to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality in the health center's working area.</p> Irmayanti AR Sahariah Sahariah Copyright (c) 2024 Irmayanti AR, Sahariah 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 220 226 10.56359/gj.v5i2.415 The Impact of Video Based Health Education on Sundanese Mothers Perceptions of Parenting Practices for Toddlers <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Parenting during infancy and toddlerhood plays a crucial role in shaping children's physical, social, and intellectual development, with effective parenting during these early years having long-lasting effects on a child’s health and independence. Cultural values and family traditions influence parenting practices, and educational media, such as videos, can improve perceptions and behaviors by engaging audiences and providing relevant, contextual information.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to determine the influence of health education through video media on the perception of mothers with infants under five about parenting patterns in the Sundanese ethnicity in Cikunir Village.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This quantitative study employs a quasi-experimental design to assess the impact of video-based health education on mothers' perceptions of toddler parenting. The population consists of mothers with children aged 0-60 months in Cikunir Village, with purposive sampling used to select 57 participants. Data were presented in tables, and descriptive and analytical analysis was performed using pre-test and post-test questionnaires.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: Statistical analysis revealed a significant effect of health education on mothers' perceptions, with a p-value of 0.000, indicating a statistically significant result (p &lt; 0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Health education through video media significantly influences mothers' perceptions of parenting patterns in the Sundanese ethnic group. Early intervention in child growth and stunting prevention is essential for promoting age-appropriate development in infants.</p> Chanty Yunie Hartiningrum Tupriliany Danefi Sinta Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 Chanty Yunie Hartiningrum, Tupriliany Danefi, Sinta Fitriani 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 227 234 10.56359/gj.v5i2.416 Hedonic Evaluation of Red Ginger Extract Gummy Candy as an Innovative Approach to Prevent Stunting in Children Under Five <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Stunting can have long-term impacts on children's health and development. Preventing stunting in children under five requires a comprehensive approach, including adequate and balanced nutritional intake. One of the natural ingredients commonly used in traditional medicine is red ginger (<em>Zingiber officinale</em> var. <em>rubrum</em>), which contains phytochemical compounds, vitamins, minerals, and fiber beneficial for maintaining vascular and digestive health. Gummy candy formulations have the advantage of high acceptability and appeal, particularly for children who find it difficult to consume medicine.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to determine the level of preference for gummy candy made with red ginger extract as a strategy to prevent stunting in children under five.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: The study employed an experimental design using a sensory hedonic test. The inclusion criteria included mothers with toddlers. A total of 20 participants were selected using an incidental sampling technique.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The findings indicated that participants showed a high level of preference for red ginger extract gummy candy. On average, the gummy candy was rated as highly appealing in terms of appearance, taste, aroma, and texture.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Red ginger extract gummy candy has significant potential to be well-accepted by children under five. Further improvements are recommended, particularly in enhancing the gummy candy's appearance and incorporating more varied shapes to increase its appeal.</p> Heni Heryani Davit Nugraha Lusi Lestari Siti Rahmah Kurnia Anna L Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Heni Heryani, Davit Nugraha, Lusi Lestari, Siti Rahmah Kurnia, Anna L Yusuf 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 235 242 10.56359/gj.v5i2.425 Effectiveness of Ginger Herbal Remedies, Ginger Boreh, and Infrared Therapy in Increasing Breast Milk Production <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The high incidence of stunting and the low prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia are primarily caused by insufficient breast milk production.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ginger herbal remedies, ginger boreh, and infrared therapy in increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers.</p> <p><strong>Methods</strong>: This research utilized a quantitative experimental method. A pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test approach was employed. The subjects were observed before the intervention and re-observed after the intervention. The study population consisted of postpartum mothers in the working area of Cisarua. The sample included 30 breastfeeding mothers, selected through purposive sampling. The sample was filtered from the population based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test revealed a significant p-value of 0.000, which is smaller than the significance threshold (p-value = 0.05 &gt; 0.000). Thus, it can be concluded that the administration of ginger herbal remedies, ginger boreh, and infrared therapy is effective in increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This study can serve as a therapy in maternal breastfeeding care and as a foundation for future research development, focusing on method enhancements or innovative approaches.</p> Lena Sri Diniyati Rahmawati Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Lena Sri Diniyati, Rahmawati 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 243 251 10.56359/gj.v5i2.428 Effectiveness of Endorphin Massage and Positive Affirmations in Reducing Anxiety Levels Among Pre-Sectio Caesarea Patients <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Facing a Caesarean section (C-section), patients often imagine the surgical process and various discomforts, leading to anxiety. Anxiety can result in both physical and psychological changes, such as an increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, rapid breathing, fatigue, and an increase in fetal heart rate. Endorphin massage and positive affirmations offer benefits such as comfort and pain relief. This sense of relaxation and comfort is expected to reduce the anxiety experienced by patients before delivery.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of endorphin massage and positive affirmations in reducing anxiety levels among pre-C-section patients.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This experimental study employed a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest approach. The respondents included 30 pre-C-section patients at Sayang Hospital, Cianjur, selected through a total sampling technique. The research instrument used was the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) questionnaire, which assessed the patients' anxiety levels before and after the intervention.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>The study results, analyzed using the Paired Samples T-Test, showed a p-value of 0.000, which is &lt;0.05.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The findings indicate a significant reduction in anxiety levels among pre-C-section patients before and after receiving endorphin massage and positive affirmation interventions.</p> Rositawati Rositawati Siti Rafika Putri Hernawati Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Rositawati, Siti Rafika Putri, Hernawati Efendi 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 252 259 10.56359/gj.v5i2.429 Enhancing Emergency Management Skills Through Manikin-Based Basic Life Support Simulations: An Evidence-Based Approach for Nursing Students <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Effective Basic Life Support (BLS) is crucial in improving survival rates during emergencies. Current nursing education often relies on traditional methods, which may not fully prepare students for the pressure and decision-making required in real-life situations.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study explores the effectiveness of manikin-based BLS simulation with scenarios in enhancing nursing students' skills in emergency management.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This study employed a one-group pre-test post-test design. Thirty nursing students were randomly assigned to participate in a Manikin-Based BLS Simulation training program. Their BLS skills were assessed using a validated and reliable questionnaire based on the American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 guidelines, administered both before and after the training. Data collection occurred in May 2024. The subsequent analysis will compare pre-test and post-test scores to evaluate the effectiveness of the Manikin-Based BLS Simulation in improving students' BLS skills.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: Post-training, knowledge improved significantly (p &lt; 0.001), with 93.3% of students achieving 'Good' knowledge and 96.7% passing skill assessments.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Manikin-based simulations effectively enhance knowledge and skills, supporting their integration into nursing curricula.</p> Fida Husain Ika Silvitasari Hermawati Hermawati Monica Inovasi Copyright (c) 2024 Fida' Husain, Ika Silvitasari, Hermawati Hermawati, Monica Inovasi 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 260 268 10.56359/gj.v5i2.436 Maternal Knowledge Regarding Stunting in Toddlers: An Overview <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Stunting is a significant public health issue that affects the growth and development of children, particularly in their early years. One of the key factors contributing to stunting is the level of knowledge that mothers of toddlers have regarding proper nutrition and child care. Understanding the awareness and knowledge of mothers about stunting is crucial in developing effective interventions and educational programs to prevent its occurrence. This study aims to examine the level of maternal knowledge about stunting and its potential impact on the health and development of toddlers.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>The objective of this study is to assess the level of knowledge among mothers of toddlers regarding stunting and its contributing factors.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study employed a cross-sectional design to assess the level of knowledge among mothers of toddlers regarding stunting. The population of the study consisted of mothers with toddlers in Mulyajaya, Sumedang Regency. A total of 18 mothers were selected as the sample using a total sampling technique. Data collection took place between February 14 and May 14, 2024. The collected data were analyzed using frequency and percentage calculations, with statistical analysis performed using SPSS version 22. This approach allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge level regarding stunting among the participants.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of this study show that in the group of mothers with toddlers, the number of respondents with an improved level of knowledge was observed.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The majority of mothers with toddlers in Mulyajaya have sufficient knowledge about stunting, with some demonstrating good knowledge. However, a small group still lacks adequate understanding. This highlights the need for targeted educational interventions to improve maternal knowledge and promote better child care practices.</p> Donna Novianti Henri Setiawan Ima Sukmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Donna Novianti, Henri Setiawan, Ima Sukmawati 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 5 2 269 278 10.56359/gj.v5i2.430 Implementation of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior among Elementary School Students: An Overview <p><strong>Introduction<em>:</em></strong> Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) among elementary school students plays a critical role in fostering lifelong health habits and preventing communicable diseases within school environments. This overview examines the implementation, challenges, and outcomes of PHBS practices among elementary school students, highlighting their impact on overall well-being and academic performance..</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong> To evaluate the implementation and impact of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior practices among elementary school students, focusing on their role in promoting health and preventing diseases within the school environment.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study employed a cross-sectional design to examine the Clean and Healthy Living Behavior among students. The population consisted of all students in Mulyajaya, Sumedang Regency, with a total sampling technique utilized for participant selection. Data collection was conducted over a period from March 2 to May 2. The data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution, processed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>The results of the study showed that 10 respondents (22.7%) were categorized as having moderate behavior, 34 respondents (77.3%) were categorized as having poor behavior, and no respondents (0%) were categorized as having good behavior regarding clean and healthy living practices<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The findings indicate that the majority of elementary school students exhibit poor behavior regarding clean and healthy living practices (PHBS), with no students demonstrating good behavior. This underscores a critical need for targeted interventions to improve PHBS awareness and practices among this population. These results highlight the importance of implementing structured health education programs in schools to promote better PHBS behaviors. School-based interventions, involving teachers, parents, and healthcare professionals, can play a pivotal role in fostering long-term healthy habits and preventing disease transmission among students.</p> Dani Setiawan Adi Nurapandi Endrian Mulyady Justitia Waluyo Copyright (c) 2024 Dani Setiawan, Adi Nurapandi, Endrian Mulyady Justitia Waluyo 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 5 2 279 288 10.56359/gj.v5i2.431 Maternal Knowledge Levels on Nutrition in Toddlers: An Overview <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Maternal knowledge about nutrition plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal growth and development of toddlers during their critical early years. Understanding the variations in maternal knowledge levels can provide valuable insights into nutritional practices and their impact on child health outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>The objective of this article is to analyze and describe the levels of maternal knowledge regarding nutrition in toddlers to identify gaps and inform strategies for improving child health outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study employed a cross-sectional design to assess maternal knowledge of toddler nutrition. The population included mothers with children aged 12–59 months, with a sample of 36 participants selected through accidental sampling. The research was conducted in Wado, Sumedang Regency, from April 25 to May 25, 2024. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage calculations, facilitated by SPSS software version 22.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study results showed that the majority of mothers had good knowledge about providing nutrition for toddlers, with 33 participants (86%) categorized as good, while the remaining 3 participants (14%) had moderate knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The study concludes that most mothers have good knowledge of toddler nutrition, indicating positive awareness within the community. However, the presence of a small proportion with moderate knowledge highlights the need for targeted educational interventions. Health practitioners should develop tailored nutrition education programs to address these gaps and enhance maternal capacity to support optimal child growth and development.</p> Bevaldi Firmansyah Irpan Ali Rahman Heni Marliany Copyright (c) 2024 Bevaldi Firmansyah, Irpan Ali Rahman, Heni Marliany 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 5 2 289 298 10.56359/gj.v5i2.432 The Effect of Health Counseling on Maternal Knowledge Regarding Stunting: Pre-experimental Study <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Education plays a crucial role in empowering mothers with the knowledge necessary to optimize the care and development of their toddlers. Understanding the impact of health education on maternal knowledge is essential to improve health outcomes for young children and support effective parenting practices.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to analyze the effect of health education on the knowledge levels of mothers with toddlers.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This study employed a pre-experimental design using a one-group pre-test and post-test approach. The population consisted of mothers with children under five years old (toddlers), with a sample of 33 participants selected through accidental sampling. The study was conducted in Wado, Sumedang Regency, from March 20 to April 20, 2024. Data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to evaluate the effect of health education on maternal knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The results of this study indicated an increase in the knowledge of mothers with toddlers, from a moderate category (48.5%) to a good category (90.9%). The P-value obtained was 0.000 (˂ 0.05), indicating a significant effect of health education on stunting prevention on maternal knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This study concludes that health education significantly enhances maternal knowledge about stunting prevention, with a shift from moderate to good understanding. These findings highlight the effectiveness of health education as a key intervention in improving maternal awareness. Integrating structured health education programs into community healthcare strategies is essential to reducing stunting prevalence and promoting better child health outcomes.</p> Nisa Rahmawati Ima Sukmawati Yuyun Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 Nisa Rahmawati, Ima Sukmawati, Yuyun Rahayu 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 5 2 299 307 10.56359/gj.v5i2.433 Knowledge Level Regarding Stunting Among Pregnant Women's <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Stunting is a critical public health issue caused by chronic malnutrition, particularly during the first 1,000 days of life, leading to irreversible impacts on child growth and development. Assessing pregnant women's knowledge about stunting is essential to understanding their role in preventing this condition and improving maternal and child health outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>The objective of this study is to assess the level of knowledge among pregnant women about stunting to identify potential gaps and inform targeted interventions for its prevention.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study employed a cross-sectional design to assess the knowledge level of pregnant women about stunting. The population consisted of all pregnant women in Mulyajaya, Sumedang Regency, with total sampling used to recruit participants. Data collection took place from March 14 to May 14. The data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distributions with the assistance of SPSS software.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of this study indicate that the knowledge level of pregnant women about stunting in Mulyajaya Village, Wado Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency is predominantly adequate, with 75% of participants demonstrating a good level of understanding.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Strengthening maternal education on stunting is essential for effective prevention efforts. Improving knowledge through targeted educational programs and integrating stunting awareness into antenatal care can enhance maternal and child health outcomes. These efforts can help establish better nutritional practices, reducing the risk of stunting in future generations. Health practitioners play a crucial role in ensuring comprehensive stunting education at the community level.</p> Muhamad Fajar Hamdani Yuyun Rahayu Elis Noviati Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Fajar Hamdani, Yuyun Rahayu, Elis Noviati 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 5 2 308 314 10.56359/gj.v5i2.434 The Effect of Workload on Nurse Performance in Hospital Inpatient Settings: A Systematic Literature Review <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The rising nurse workload and its impact on performance have become a significant concern in hospital inpatient settings. Increased patient numbers and high Bed Occupancy Rates (BOR) have contributed to greater pressure on nursing staff, potentially affecting the quality of care provided.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: The objective of this study was to assess the effect of workload on nurse performance in hospital inpatient settings through a comprehensive review of existing literature.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: A systematic literature review was conducted, utilizing national and international journals. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) method was applied in four stages: identification (n = 16,816), screening (n = 60), followed by the application of the PICO framework to determine feasibility and relevance, which resulted in 15 articles being included. The literature search involved accessing electronic databases such as Cochrane, PubMed, and Google Scholar.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The review of 15 articles revealed that nurse performance is significantly influenced by multiple factors, with high workload being one of the main contributors. Of the 15 articles analyzed, 14 confirmed that high workload is a major challenge nurses face in performing their daily tasks, leading to potential declines in performance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: In conclusion, the study confirms that a high workload, especially in hospital inpatient rooms, has a significant negative impact on nurse performance. Addressing workload management through staffing optimization and effective policies is essential to improving the quality of care and ensuring better health outcomes.</p> Ai Kurnia Karmilah Karmilah Najwa Khusnul Siti Fatimah Tanti Intan Heri Ridwan Iyos Sutresna Copyright (c) 2024 Ai Kurnia, Karmilah, Najwa Khusnul, Siti Fatimah, Tanti Intan, Heri Ridwan, Iyos Sutresna 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 315 325 10.56359/gj.v5i2.422 The Association between Disability and Psychosocial Issues in Individuals with Leprosy <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Leprosy is a disease that can cause physical disabilities, which in turn contribute to the emergence of psychosocial problems in affected individuals.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to analyze the relationship between the level of disability and psychosocial problems among leprosy patients in the working areas of Jrengoan Health Center and Karang Penang Health Center.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This study employs an analytical observational design with a cross-sectional approach. The study population consists of all leprosy patients in the working areas of the two health centers, totaling 47 individuals. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method, resulting in 42 respondents who meet the inclusion criteria. Disability levels were measured using an observation sheet, while psychosocial problems were assessed through a questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using the Spearman Rho statistical test.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The results of the crosstabulation analysis revealed that among patients with level 2 disabilities, 12 individuals (28.6%) experienced severe psychosocial problems, while 2 individuals (4.8%) had mild psychosocial issues. The Spearman Rho test indicated a relationship between disability occurrence and psychosocial problems, with a p-value of 0.043 &gt; 0.05. These findings suggest that the higher the level of disability, the more severe the psychosocial problems experienced by leprosy patients.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: In conclusion, the majority of leprosy patients in this study had level 1 disabilities, but those with level 2 disabilities tended to experience more severe psychosocial issues. This reinforces the notion that as the degree of disability increases, the psychosocial impact on leprosy patients also becomes more significant.</p> Atika Jatimi Holisun Holisun Ahmadi Ahmadi Copyright (c) 2024 Atika Jatimi, Holisun, Ahmadi 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 355 363 10.56359/gj.v5i2.534 Effects of Religious Instrumental Music Therapy on Pain Level in Breast Cancer Patients <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Breast cancer is a type of cancer that frequently occurs in women, characterized by hard, movable lumps with an irregular shape. The main complaint in cancer patients is pain. Pain management can be performed through instrumental music therapy. Instrumental music therapy provides a relaxing effect due to the balanced tempo and harmony of tones.</p> <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aims to analyze the impact of religious instrumental music therapy on pain levels in breast cancer patients.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: This research is a quantitative study employing a quasi-experimental design, specifically utilizing a pre-test post-test control group design approach. This study's population is made up of 183 breast cancer patients. The research was conducted in the chemotherapy room of RSUD Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Sumenep from September to November 2022. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method, based on inclusion criteria. A total of 54 participants were selected and allocated to the intervention group and the control group. The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) is used to measure pain. Data analysis is performed using the Wilcoxon statistical test with a significance level of p&lt;0.05. Data analysis is carried out using SPSS 24 software.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: The results of the bivariate test analysis showed that the pain level in the experimental group significantly changed before and after receiving the religious instrumental music therapy intervention, with a p-value &lt; 0.05. In contrast, the control group showed no significant change, with a p-value of 1.000, as no intervention was provided.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Religious instrumental music therapy has proven to be effective in reducing pain levels in breast cancer patients at RSUD Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Sumenep.</p> Mery Eka Yaya Fujianti Ida Wahyuni Willi Holis Copyright (c) 2024 Mery Eka Yaya Fujianti, Ida Wahyuni, Willi Holis 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 364 370 10.56359/gj.v5i2.538 The Relationship Between Pregnant Women's Obsession with Healthy Eating and Perceived Stress <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Pregnancy brings physical, psychological, and social changes, emphasizing health and nutrition. While healthy eating is vital, excessive concern can lead to unhealthy obsessions. Elevated stress during pregnancy may influence eating behaviors, making it crucial to explore their relationship.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aimed to investigate the relationship between obsession with healthy eating and perceived stress in pregnant women.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>A cross-sectional study was conducted with 325 pregnant women attending Bartın Maternity and Children's Hospital between September 2023 and February 2024. Data were collected using the Pregnant Descriptive Information Form, Obsessions with Healthy Eating Scale (ORTO-11), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearman correlation tests.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The participants' mean age was 27.40±4.46 years, with a mean gestational age of 23.70±6.22 weeks and an average weight gain of 6.55±2.60 kg. Of the participants, 60.6% had a BMI of 25 and above. The mean ORTO-11 score was 24.69±2.58, and the mean PSS score was 34.08±3.05. There was no significant correlation between ORTO-11 and PSS scores. However, significant differences in perceived stress and ORTO-11 scores were observed concerning night eating, continuous diet programs, and eating habits outside the home.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>This study did not find a statistically significant relationship between pregnant women's obsession with healthy eating and their perceived stress levels. However, the findings suggest that maternal eating behaviors and stress may be influenced by factors such as social support and individual coping mechanisms.</p> Güleser ADA Cennet CANİŞ Copyright (c) 2024 Güleser ADA, Cennet CANİŞ 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 5 2 371 382 10.56359/gj.v5i2.439 Shame and Burden: Family Stigma in Caring for Shackled Individuals with Mental Disorders <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Mental disorders remain a significant public health concern, often leading to stigma and social discrimination, particularly for families caring for affected individuals. In some cases, shackling (physical restraint) is still practiced due to limited access to mental health services, further intensifying the burden on caregivers.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to explore the family experiences of stigma and emotional burden in providing care for shackled individuals with mental disorders.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach was employed. The study was conducted within the scope of the Pamekasan District Health Office, involving families of mentally ill patients as participants. Inclusion criteria included participants who had cared for restrained family members for over a year, were above 20 years old, willing to participate, and able to communicate verbally. A snowball sampling technique was used, where key informants assisted in identifying additional participants.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Participants reported experiencing stigma related to their role in caring for family members with mental disorders who had been restrained. The findings highlight psychological and emotional reactions, as well as how participants navigate daily life amid societal stigma. A key subtheme, "Emotions," describes their emotional responses, which include sadness, anger, shame, and guilt—common experiences among participants.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study concludes that family caregivers of individuals with mental illness face significant psychological distress due to stigma, primarily manifesting as sadness, anger, shame, and guilt. These emotional responses stem from discrimination, stereotyping, and societal labeling. Effective emotional management is crucial in helping caregivers cope and respond constructively to stigma. The findings emphasize the need for supportive interventions to enhance caregivers' emotional resilience and overall well-being.</p> Willi Holis Atiqur Rohman Mery Eka Yaya Copyright (c) 2024 Willi Holis, Atiqur Rohman, Mery Eka Yaya 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 5 2 383 391 10.56359/gj.v5i2.541